Notice the hamules under the second segment of the abdomen. Also, note the appendages, which are small in this species, but larger in the male than in the female. Here's another look at an east coast male:

Again, take note of the appendages. Also, notice that the wings are basically uniform amber, and the stigmas are red.
For comparison, here's the female of the species from the east coast:

Notice the broad abdomen, the tiny, vestigial appendages, and the splotchy wings. We also see that the stigmas are brownish in the female.
In Texas, we saw only females, and they were all obelisking like crazy in the intense heat. Here's a side view:

Here's another obelisking female, this time from behind:

Note again the broad abdomen, and the tiny appendages.
As I said, we didn't see any males on this trip, and the females were all well away from the water perching in the vegetation.