This is a male, as you can see by the hamules projecting downward below segment 2 of the abdomen. Also notice the amber-colored wings, from which the species derives its name.
Now, on the east coast there is also an amberwing dragonfly, but a different species—the Eastern Amberwing. Its color and size are similar to the Mexican Amberwing, though it's a bit darker red. Here's an Eastern Amberwing at the retention pond mentioned in the previous post on the Slaty Skimmer:

In amberwings, males select an appropriate egg-laying site, guard it from intrusions by other males, and escort females to their chosen spot for her approval. The males make dipping motions—touching the water with the tip of their abdomen—in an effort to entice the female to accept the location and begin laying eggs herself. It's an interesting bit of behavior to observe.
When the female isn't going about the business of laying eggs, she's generally perched in nearby vegetation. Here's a female Eastern Amberwing resting in bushes along the shore of the retention pond:

Notice the wing patches, as opposed to the amber wings of the male, and the broad abdomen. Quite a striking dragonfly.
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